Resilience - Cultivating Your Inner Strength


Resilience - Cultivating Your Inner Strength

troodi GmbH
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We all react differ­ently to stressful and excep­tional situa­tions. While some of us struggle migh­tily in chal­len­ging times, others have the ability to over­come crises without suffe­ring psycho­lo­gical damage. Resi­li­ence refers to a person’s psycho­lo­gical flexi­bi­lity and adjust­ment. It is a charac­te­ristic that helps people cope well with crises. The good news is: Resi­li­ence can be streng­thened.

The programme is composed of 13 chapters with a total length of approximately 3 hours.

The topics covered include:

  • Developing and strengthening resilience
  • Overview of the 7 Pillars of Resilience
  • Employing strategies and methods to improve resilience
  • Fostering optimism and s…

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Noch nicht den perfekten Kurs gefunden? Verwandte Themen: Risk Management, Risikoanalyse, Risikomanagement, Risikoerkennung & Risikoabschätzung und Stakeholder-Management.

We all react differ­ently to stressful and excep­tional situa­tions. While some of us struggle migh­tily in chal­len­ging times, others have the ability to over­come crises without suffe­ring psycho­lo­gical damage. Resi­li­ence refers to a person’s psycho­lo­gical flexi­bi­lity and adjust­ment. It is a charac­te­ristic that helps people cope well with crises. The good news is: Resi­li­ence can be streng­thened.

The programme is composed of 13 chapters with a total length of approximately 3 hours.

The topics covered include:

  • Developing and strengthening resilience
  • Overview of the 7 Pillars of Resilience
  • Employing strategies and methods to improve resilience
  • Fostering optimism and solution-oriented thinking
  • Enhancing Self-Regulation

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