Introduction to Deep Learning for Computer Vision

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Introduction to Deep Learning for Computer Vision

Xebia Academy
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Startdaten und Startorte

placeWibautstraat 200, Amsterdam
5. Jun 2025 bis 6. Jun 2025
Details ansehen
event 5. Juni 2025, 09:00-17:00, Wibautstraat 200, Amsterdam, Dag 1
event 6. Juni 2025, 09:00-17:00, Wibautstraat 200, Amsterdam, Dag 2


What will you learn?

After the training, you will be able to:

  • Understand Deep Learning from the ground up: What are neural networks, how do they learn, and how can I optimize them for my task?
  • Learn today, apply tomorrow: Learn to build your own neural networks in Python using Tensorflow/Keras.
  • Build upon others: Finetune existing models and understand how you can use Transfer Learning to boost your model performance.
  • Computer Vision Fundamentals: Understand the power of convolutions for automatic feature extraction and construct convolutional neural networks for image classification.
  • Learn Best Practices: Ensure your model trains optimally by using data augmentations, memory-efficient trai…

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Noch nicht den perfekten Kurs gefunden? Verwandte Themen: Deep Learning, Karrierecoaching, TensorFlow, Python und Data Science.

What will you learn?

After the training, you will be able to:

  • Understand Deep Learning from the ground up: What are neural networks, how do they learn, and how can I optimize them for my task?
  • Learn today, apply tomorrow: Learn to build your own neural networks in Python using Tensorflow/Keras.
  • Build upon others: Finetune existing models and understand how you can use Transfer Learning to boost your model performance.
  • Computer Vision Fundamentals: Understand the power of convolutions for automatic feature extraction and construct convolutional neural networks for image classification.
  • Learn Best Practices: Ensure your model trains optimally by using data augmentations, memory-efficient training, fast data input pipelines, and optimized model architectures.



  • Introduction: The rise of Deep Learning, its benefits, and current-day applications.
  • Understand Neural networks from the ground up: From single neurons to neural networks
  • The Learning in Deep Learning: (Stochastic) Gradient Descent and backpropagation.
  • Fundamental components of Neural Networks: From loss functions and neuron activations to normalization- to dropout layers.
  • Code it yourself: Build and optimize your first Deep Learning model in Python using Tensorflow/Keras.

    DAY 2
  • Introduction to Deep Learning for Computer Vision: Why neural networks are state-of-the-art for computer vision tasks.
  • The Cornerstone of Computer Vision: Understand the function and implementation of convolutions in deep neural networks.
  • Hands-on: Build your own Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for image classification
  • Learn Best Practices: Implement data augmentations, optimize networks architectures, and speed up training using smart data input pipelines.
  • Build upon others: Use existing Computer Vision models, apply transfer learning and finetune them to your specific task.

This training is for you if:

  • You want to understand Deep Learning for Computer Vision from the ground up.
  • You want an in-depth understanding of modern Computer Vision AI and its applications.
  • You work with Computer Vision data such as images and videos and want to use AI for your use case.
  • You already have a basic understanding of Machine Learning concepts and want to push your skills to the next level.

This training is not for you if:

  • You are looking for a non-technical introduction to Computer Vision AI.
  • You have no experience in programming.
  • You only want apply Computer Vision AI, rather than knowing how it works.
  • You already have a good understanding of Deep Learning or Computer Vision and you look for an advanced training or specific application of Computer Vision AI.

Why should I follow this training?

  • You want to get into the field of AI, but are specifically interested in Computer Vision applications.
  • You not only want in-depth explanations, but also hands-on practice.
    Our motto: Learn today, apply tomorrow!
  • You have a specific use case where Computer Vision AI may be the solution?
    This course is the ideal starting point!

What else should I know?

After registering for this training, you will receive a confirmation email with practical information. A week before the training, we will ask you about any dietary requirements and share literature if you need to prepare.

Training information

  • All literature and course materials are included in the price. 
  • Information on the software and tooling will be shared before the start date.
  • This is a technical course involving some extent of programming. You will need a laptop.
  • Online courses are delivered via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

See you soon!

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