CISSP | Certified Information Systems Security Professional | 2024 Version


CISSP | Certified Information Systems Security Professional | 2024 Version

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Certified Information Systems Security Professional | CISSP | Version 2024

Whether you are a security professional, a seasoned engineer, or are looking for a career change - this is the solution to bring your career to new heights! Our objective is to not just prepare you for CISSP Certification, but to also provide you with the practical, detailed understanding and knowledge of security topics that will be of valued use to you and your company. Our product focuses not only on the areas necessary for the CISSP examination, but also on a more detailed and practical perspective that will give you competitive skills in the real world as well.

The Certified Information Systems Security Profess…

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Frequently asked questions

"Who is the ideal candidate for the CISSP course?"

Frage von Roshan - 25.07.2019 12:02
The CISSP is ideal for those working in positions such as, but not limited to, Security Consultant, Security Analyst, Security Manager, IT Director/Manager, Security Auditor, Security Architect, Security Systems Engineer, Chief Information Security Officer, Director of Security, and Network Architect.
Robin Oost
Beantwortet von Robin Oost

Noch nicht den perfekten Kurs gefunden? Verwandte Themen: Coaching, Lernpsychologie, Train the Trainer, Lernstile und Beratung.

Certified Information Systems Security Professional | CISSP | Version 2024

Whether you are a security professional, a seasoned engineer, or are looking for a career change - this is the solution to bring your career to new heights! Our objective is to not just prepare you for CISSP Certification, but to also provide you with the practical, detailed understanding and knowledge of security topics that will be of valued use to you and your company. Our product focuses not only on the areas necessary for the CISSP examination, but also on a more detailed and practical perspective that will give you competitive skills in the real world as well.

The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) is the most globally recognized certification in the information security market. CISSP validates an information security professional’s deep technical and managerial knowledge and experience to effectively design, engineer, and manage the overall security posture of an organization.


The CISSP is ideal for those working in positions such as, but not limited to, Security Consultant, Security Analyst, Security Manager, IT Director/Manager, Security Auditor, Security Architect, Security Systems Engineer, Chief Information Security Officer, Director of Security, and Network Architect.

IT security professionals who want to obtain the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification.


Candidates must have a minimum of five years cumulative, full-time experience in two or more of the eight domains of the current CISSP Exam Outline. Earning a post-secondary degree (bachelors or masters) in computer science, information technology (IT) or related fields may satisfy up to one year of the required experience or an additional credential from the ISC2 approved list may satisfy up to one year of the required experience. Part-time work and internships may also count towards the experience requirement.

Course areas

– Security and Risk Management
– Asset Security
– Security Architecture and Engineering
– Communication and Network Security
– Identity and Access Management (IAM)
– Security Assessment and Testing
– Security Operations
– Software Development Security

Package Includes

 12 Months Online Access, Featuring OnDemand Instructor-Led Classroom Sessions with
Full Audio and Video Lectures
– TestPrep Exam simulation
– Online Mentor
– Tips & Tricks


Certified Information Systems Security Professional | CISSP Practice Lab

Hybrid Learning is a unique mix of training material, videos and exercises that the user can independently apply to his learning demand. You have access to the online training material for up to 12 months. This way you can read and practice the material you have learned several times to optimally prepare for the Certified Information Systems Security Professional exam.

Course content

– Professional Ethics & Security Concepts
– Security Governance & Compliance Issues
– Investigations & Policies
– Risk Management Concepts
– Threat Modeling, SCRM, & Security Awareness
– Asset Classification, Handling, & Provisioning
– Data Lifecycle, Controls, & Compliance
– Secure Design Principles & Models
– Vulnerabilities of Architectures, Designs, & Solution Elements
– Cryptographic Solutions & Cryptanalytic Attacks
– Site & Facility Security
– Secure Design Principles in Network Architectures (Part 1)
– Secure Design Principles in Network Architectures (Part 2)
– Securing Network Components & Communication Channels
– Controlling Asset Access, Device Identification, and Authentication
– Authorization Mechanisms & Identity Management
– Security Audit & Controls Testing
– Collecting & Analyzing Security Process Data
– Logging, Monitoring, & Investigations
– Foundational Security Operations & Resource Protection
– Operating Detection & Preventative Measures
– Business Continuity Planning & Exercises
– Implement Disaster Recovery

Exam not included

CISSP | Certified Information Systems Security Professional

DutchTrain is an officially accredited Test Center for Pearson Vue Test, Prometric, Kryterion, Castle Worldwide, Certiport & PSI. You are most welcome with us for exams that are available through these Test Centers. Exams can be taken every day, within office hours.


You can start at any time! Please contact one of our training advisers if you would like to start.


Self-study - It is possible to login 24/7 from any location to our Education On Demand Portal.

Learning method




More information

Check our website for detailed lesson content, exams and more details of this training.

This training is also available as

- Classroom
- Incompany, please contact one of our training advisers.

Leren is een persoonlijk proces met unieke leerstijlen. Als het aankomt op effectieve training, is er niet een “one size fits all” leermethode die iedereen past. Effectieve training houdt rekening met diversiteit door gepersonaliseerde aanpak. Dat kan met o.a. interactieve workshops, e-learning en samenwerking. Mensen hebben verschillende leerstijlen en behoeften - de kunst is om voor iedereen de perfecte pasvorm te vinden.

Bij Dutchtrain begrijpen we dat iedereen op een andere manier leert. Daarom bieden we een breed scala aan leervormen aan, zodat iedereen de gewenste kennis en vaardigheden kan opdoen op de manier die het beste bij hem of haar past. Of je nu liever zelfstandig studeert, in een klaslokaal zit of online lessen volgt, wij hebben een oplossing die aansluit bij jouw leerstijl.

Bij DutchTrain staan wij voor je klaar.

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"Who is the ideal candidate for the CISSP course?"

Frage von Roshan - 25.07.2019 12:02
The CISSP is ideal for those working in positions such as, but not limited to, Security Consultant, Security Analyst, Security Manager, IT Director/Manager, Security Auditor, Security Architect, Security Systems Engineer, Chief Information Security Officer, Director of Security, and Network Architect.
Robin Oost
Beantwortet von Robin Oost

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