Salesforce Developer Artificial Intelligence Course


Salesforce Developer Artificial Intelligence Course

Stone River eLearning LLC
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In the world of Big Data and Cloud Computing - Learn Sales Force Developer: Artificial Intelligence For Beginners step-by-step, complete hands-on Sales force developer training with respect to Einstein Artificial Intelligence.

Course Description

Are you a Sales force Developer or a Web Developer and want to gain intermediate and advanced skills and enjoy a fascinating high paying career?

Or maybe you just want to learn additional tips and techniques taking to a whole new level?

Welcome to Sales Force Developer: Artificial Intelligence For Beginners - A one of its kind course!

It is not only a comprehensive course, you are will not find a course similar to this. The course gradually b…

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Noch nicht den perfekten Kurs gefunden? Verwandte Themen: Salesforce, Künstliche Intelligenz, Vertrieb, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) und Neukundengewinnung.

In the world of Big Data and Cloud Computing - Learn Sales Force Developer: Artificial Intelligence For Beginners step-by-step, complete hands-on Sales force developer training with respect to Einstein Artificial Intelligence.

Course Description

Are you a Sales force Developer or a Web Developer and want to gain intermediate and advanced skills and enjoy a fascinating high paying career?

Or maybe you just want to learn additional tips and techniques taking to a whole new level?

Welcome to Sales Force Developer: Artificial Intelligence For Beginners - A one of its kind course!

It is not only a comprehensive course, you are will not find a course similar to this. The course gradually builds upon core concepts and then practical application by means of hand-on tutorials With over 3 hours of solid hand-on instruction.

It’s our most current, in-depth and exciting sales force developer on new technologies course—to date.

In this AI course, you'll learn and practice:

  1. Essential Sales Force Developer Skills
  2. Lightning Force Techniques
  3. Einstein Analytics platform & API
  4. Apex Programming language
  5. Visual Force Pages
  6. Eclipse IDE
  7. Force IDE
  8. Einstein Intent and Sentiment including using AI to predict Natural Language Process (NLP) text and Einstein Sentiment (Image Classification), and much more.... You'll put your new Sales Force development skills to the test by solving real-world problems faced by enterprise organizations.


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