Implementing Cisco Network Security (IINS) | 210-260


Implementing Cisco Network Security (IINS) | 210-260

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Implementing Cisco Network Security (IINS) | 210-260

Cisco Certified Network Associate Security (CCNA Security) validates associate-level knowledge and skills required to secure Cisco networks. With a CCNA Security certification, a network professional demonstrates the skills required to develop a security infrastructure, recognize threats and vulnerabilities to networks, and mitigate security threats. This course with 11 chapters emphasizes core security technologies, the installation, troubleshooting and monitoring of network devices to maintain integrity, confidentiality and availability of data and devices, and competency in the technologies that Cisco uses in its security structure. To…

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Noch nicht den perfekten Kurs gefunden? Verwandte Themen: Cisco Network Security, CompTIA, IT-Sicherheit, IT-Management & Strategie und IT-Berater.

Implementing Cisco Network Security (IINS) | 210-260

Cisco Certified Network Associate Security (CCNA Security) validates associate-level knowledge and skills required to secure Cisco networks. With a CCNA Security certification, a network professional demonstrates the skills required to develop a security infrastructure, recognize threats and vulnerabilities to networks, and mitigate security threats. This course with 11 chapters emphasizes core security technologies, the installation, troubleshooting and monitoring of network devices to maintain integrity, confidentiality and availability of data and devices, and competency in the technologies that Cisco uses in its security structure. Topics for the course include Secure Access, Cisco ASA, Firewalls, IPS/IDS, VPNs and Secure Routing and Switch. Join thousands of other IT Professionals, achieve your goals and get started today working towards you CCNA Security certification!

Package Includes

– 12 Months Online Access featuring ondemand instructor-led classroom sessions with full audio and video lectures
– Online Mentor
– Measure Exam simulation
– Tips & Tricks
– Quiz


– Module 1: Network Review
– Module 2: Terminology And Fundamentals
– Module 3: PKI And Cryptography
– Module 4: AAA
– Module 5: Bring Your Own Device
– Module 6: Secure Access
– Module 7: VPNs
– Module 8: Secure Routing And Switching
– Module 9: Firewalls
– Module 10: Intrusion Protection System (IPS)
– Module 11: Content And Endpoint Security

Exclusief examen

210-260 - Retired

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