Interfacing with the Arduino


Interfacing with the Arduino

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About this course: Arduino senses the environment by receiving inputs from add-on devices such as sensors, and can control the world around it by adjusting lights, motors, and other actuators. In this class you will learn how and when to use the different types of sensors and how to connect them to the Arduino. Since the external world uses continuous or analog signals and the hardware is digital you will learn how these signals are converted back-and-forth and how this must be considered as you program your device. You'll also learn about the use of Arduino-specific shields and the shields software libraries to interface with the real world. Please note that this course does not includ…

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Noch nicht den perfekten Kurs gefunden? Verwandte Themen: Arduino, Software-Architektur, C/C++, Testen (Software) und Software- / Systemingenieurwesen.

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  • Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
  • Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.

About this course: Arduino senses the environment by receiving inputs from add-on devices such as sensors, and can control the world around it by adjusting lights, motors, and other actuators. In this class you will learn how and when to use the different types of sensors and how to connect them to the Arduino. Since the external world uses continuous or analog signals and the hardware is digital you will learn how these signals are converted back-and-forth and how this must be considered as you program your device. You'll also learn about the use of Arduino-specific shields and the shields software libraries to interface with the real world. Please note that this course does not include discussion forums.

Created by:  University of California, Irvine
  • Taught by:  Ian Harris, Associate Professor

    Department of Computer Science
Basic Info Course 3 of 6 in the An Introduction to Programming the Internet of Things (IOT) Specialization Commitment 4 weeks of study, 2-3 hours/week Language English How To Pass Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. User Ratings 4.6 stars Average User Rating 4.6See what learners said Coursework

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University of California, Irvine Since 1965, the University of California, Irvine has combined the strengths of a major research university with the bounty of an incomparable Southern California location. UCI’s unyielding commitment to rigorous academics, cutting-edge research, and leadership and character development makes the campus a driving force for innovation and discovery that serves our local, national and global communities in many ways.



Module 1

IoT devices involve a combination of software and hardware. This module provides background on the basics of hardware design and wiring needed to build useful circuits. This module describes the functions of basic passive components and describes how to use them in simple circuits. This module also describes how to wire circuits together using a breadboard. The goal of this module is to enable students to design and implement the circuits they need to interact with basic sensors and actuators.

10 videos, 3 readings expand

  1. Reading: Pre-Course Survey
  2. Reading: Course Overview
  3. Reading: Module 1 Reading
  4. Video: Module 1 Introduction (video)
  5. Video: Lecture 1.1 - Electrical Circuits
  6. Video: Lecture 1.2 - Electrical Properties
  7. Video: Lecture 1.3 - Ohm's Law
  8. Video: Lecture 2.1 - Electrical Components
  9. Video: Lecture 2.2 - Diodes
  10. Video: Lecture 2.3 - Switches, Potentiometers
  11. Video: Lecture 3.1 - Wiring
  12. Video: Lecture 3.2 - Wiring Demo, Pushbutton
  13. Video: Lecture 3.3 - Wiring Demo, Potentiometer

Graded: Module 1 Quiz
Graded: Peer Assignment: Build a Circuit


Module 2

This module introduces sensors and actuators and discusses how to interface with them. We’ll examine different classes of sensors and actuators. For each type of sensor/actuator, we’ll examine the circuitry needed to interface with it. Additionally, we’ll take a look at the Arduino code needed to communicate with the sensors and actuators.

10 videos, 1 reading expand

  1. Reading: Module 2 Reading
  2. Video: Module 2 Introduction (video)
  3. Video: Lecture 1.1. - Sensors
  4. Video: Lecture 1.2 - Resistive Sensors
  5. Video: Lecture 1.3 - Resistive Sensor Demo
  6. Video: Lecture 2.1 - Actuators
  7. Video: Lecture 2.2 - Analog Actuators
  8. Video: Lecture 2.3 - Pulse Width Modulation
  9. Video: Lecture 3.1 - Demo Fade Example
  10. Video: Lecture 3.2 - Making Sounds
  11. Video: Lecture 3.3 - Demo Music System

Graded: Module 2 Quiz
Graded: Peer Asssignment: Light an LED


Module 3

This module introduces the use of software libraries with an Arduino sketch. One of the best aspects of the Arduino environment is that the use of good libraries allows a programmer to use complicated hardware without dealing with the complexity. The Arduino environment is supported by many libraries and this module examines the use of several of the more common libraries that allow the use of hardware peripherals in the microprocessor.

10 videos, 1 reading expand

  1. Reading: Module 3 Reading
  2. Video: Module 3 Introduction (video)
  3. Video: Lecture 1.1 - Arduino Libraries
  4. Video: Lecture 1.2 - EEPROM
  5. Video: Lecture 1.3 - Masking
  6. Video: Lecture 2.1 - I2C Communication
  7. Video: Lecture 2.2 - I2C Transactions
  8. Video: Lecture 2.3 - Sending Bits
  9. Video: Lecture 3.1 - Wire Library
  10. Video: Lecture 3.2 - Master Communication
  11. Video: Lecture 3.3 - Slave Operation

Graded: Module 3 Quiz
Graded: Peer Assignment: EEPROM Sketch


Module 4

In this module we’ll examine Arduino shields and how they are used to extend the capabilities of an Arduino-based system. Shields are printed circuit boards that are stacked on top of the Arduino together with libraries that enable the new hardware to be used through an Arduino sketch. We’ll describe the benefits of shields and their basic construction as well as the use of libraries in interfacing with each shield. This module also describes how to connect your IoT device to the Internet using shields. We focus on an Ethernet shield in order to establish a wired network connection, and a WiFi shield to establish a wireless connection.

10 videos, 2 readings expand

  1. Reading: Module 4 Reading
  2. Video: Module 4 Introduction (video)
  3. Video: Lecture 1.1 - Arduino Shields
  4. Video: Lecture 1.2 - Ethernet Shield
  5. Video: Lecture 1.3 - Ethernet Library
  6. Video: Lecture 2.1 - Ethernet Client
  7. Video: Lecture 2.2 - Client Examples
  8. Video: Lecture 2.3 - Ethernet Server
  9. Video: Lecture 2.4 - Ethernet Shield Demo
  10. Video: Lecture 3.1 - WiFi Shield
  11. Video: Lecture 3.2 - WiFi Shield Demo
  12. Reading: End-of-Course Survey

Graded: Module 4 Quiz
Graded: Peer Assignment: Use the Servo Library

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