Best Practices for iOS User Interface Design


Best Practices for iOS User Interface Design

Coursera (CC)
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About this course: You will learn to develop sophisticated user interfaces for iOS, with a focus on user interface design best practices, UI animations, and responsive design. You will learn about the key UI widgets, mapping interfaces and view restoration.

Created by:  University of California, Irvine
  • Taught by:  Don Patterson, Associate Professor

    Informatics and Computer Science
  • Taught by:  Sam Kaufman, Partner at Gradient

Basic Info Course 3 of 6 in the iOS Development for Creative Entrepreneurs Specialization Language English How To Pass Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. User Ratings 4.6 stars Average User Rating 4.…

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When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan

  • Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
  • Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.

About this course: You will learn to develop sophisticated user interfaces for iOS, with a focus on user interface design best practices, UI animations, and responsive design. You will learn about the key UI widgets, mapping interfaces and view restoration.

Created by:  University of California, Irvine
  • Taught by:  Don Patterson, Associate Professor

    Informatics and Computer Science
  • Taught by:  Sam Kaufman, Partner at Gradient

Basic Info Course 3 of 6 in the iOS Development for Creative Entrepreneurs Specialization Language English How To Pass Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. User Ratings 4.6 stars Average User Rating 4.6See what learners said Coursework

Each course is like an interactive textbook, featuring pre-recorded videos, quizzes and projects.

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University of California, Irvine Since 1965, the University of California, Irvine has combined the strengths of a major research university with the bounty of an incomparable Southern California location. UCI’s unyielding commitment to rigorous academics, cutting-edge research, and leadership and character development makes the campus a driving force for innovation and discovery that serves our local, national and global communities in many ways.



Getting to know iOS Design Concepts

Welcome to Best Practices for iOS User Interface Design! This week, we will take a deep dive into getting to know iOS design concepts. We will cover iOS, HCI, and HIG plus complete a peer review assignment called Layout with Dynamic Constraints that, as the name suggests, uses the auto-layout engine to make dynamic user interfaces.

9 videos, 3 readings expand

  1. Reading: Pre-Course Survey
  2. Reading: Course Overview
  3. Video: Welcome!
  4. Video: Intro to iOS Design
  5. Video: iOS Design Concepts
  6. Video: iOS UI Composition
  7. Video: Device Adaptivity
  8. Video: Device Adaptivity Demo
  9. Video: Launch Screen Demo
  10. Video: Case Study: Constraint Layouts Part 1
  11. Video: Case Study: Constraint Layouts Part 2
  12. Reading: Week 1 Peer Review Directions

Graded: Layout with Dynamic Constraints


The Design Solutions that come with iOS
In week 2, we will discuss the design solutions that come with iOS. We will cover HIG and HCI principles plus learn how to achieve the design. We will wrap up this week with a quiz to test your knowledge on what you have learned this week.

8 videos expand

  1. Video: Starting and Stopping
  2. Video: Navigation Styles
  3. Video: Gestures and Touch
  4. Video: Leveraging iOS
  5. Video: Some HCI Principles
  6. Video: Bars
  7. Video: Controls
  8. Video: Temporary Views

Graded: Week 2 Quiz


View Controllers and Map Interfaces
This week, we will look at view controllers and map interfaces. We will cover user interface construction plus complete a peer review assignment called The Basic Map View. Who doesn't want to be able to put locations on a map!

7 videos, 1 reading expand

  1. Video: UIScrollView
  2. Video: Navigation View Controller
  3. Video: Working with the Keyboard
  4. Video: Intro to MapView
  5. Video: MapView Case Study: Part 1
  6. Video: MapView Case Study: Part 2
  7. Video: MapView Case Study: Part 3
  8. Reading: Week 3 Peer Review Directions

Graded: Basic Map Interface


Table Views, Core Data and User Interface Integration

In week 4, we will look at table views, core data, and user interface integration. We will cover table views, table views plus core data, and you will finally learn how to put it all together. We will end the course with a peer review assignment called To Do Manager.

16 videos, 1 reading expand

  1. Video: UITableView: Part 1
  2. Video: UITableView: Part 2
  3. Video: UITableView: Part 3
  4. Video: UITableView: Part 4
  5. Video: UITableView: Part 5
  6. Video: UITableView with CoreData: Part 1
  7. Video: UITableView with CoreData: Part 2
  8. Video: UITableView with CoreData: Part 3
  9. Video: UITableView with CoreData: Part 4
  10. Video: Case Study: To Do List Part 1
  11. Video: Case Study: To Do List Part 2
  12. Video: Case Study: To Do List Part 3
  13. Video: Case Study: To Do List Part 4
  14. Video: Case Study: To Do List Part 5
  15. Video: Case Study: To Do List Part 6
  16. Video: Case Study: To Do List Part 7
  17. Reading: Week 4 Peer Review Directions

Graded: To Do List Manager

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