E-Learning Introduction to Kanban (EN)

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E-Learning Introduction to Kanban (EN)

Prowareness Agile Academy
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Startdaten und Startorte

30. Sep 2024
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event 30. September 2024, 09:00-10:00, Online, Dag 1
31. Okt 2024
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event 31. Oktober 2024, 09:00-10:00, Online, Dag 1
30. Nov 2024
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event 30. November 2024, 09:00-10:00, Online, Dag 1
31. Dez 2024
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event 31. Dezember 2024, 09:00-10:00, Online, Dag 1


In the Introduction to Kanban E-Learning, you will learn the basics of Kanban and how to set it up in your teams and organization.In the Introduction to Kanban E-Learning, you will learn the basics of Kanban and how to set it up in your teams and organization. You will also get access to a virtual Kanban simulation that you can use in your teams. After completing this E-Learning you will be able to explain why you should apply Kanban, what Kanban is and how to get started. The E-Learning Introduction to Kanban is an ideal E-Learning to gain insight into whether Kanban is right for your team and how to get started.

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Noch nicht den perfekten Kurs gefunden? Verwandte Themen: Kanban, E-Learning, Agile, Scrum und Getting Things Done (GTD).

In the Introduction to Kanban E-Learning, you will learn the basics of Kanban and how to set it up in your teams and organization.In the Introduction to Kanban E-Learning, you will learn the basics of Kanban and how to set it up in your teams and organization. You will also get access to a virtual Kanban simulation that you can use in your teams. After completing this E-Learning you will be able to explain why you should apply Kanban, what Kanban is and how to get started. The E-Learning Introduction to Kanban is an ideal E-Learning to gain insight into whether Kanban is right for your team and how to get started.

Wij willen professionals voorbereiden en klaar maken voor de dag van morgen. Ons uitgangspunt is just-in-time Blended Learning. We dagen professionals uit om te 'leren leren', hun competenties te verbeteren en om hun kennis te borgen.

Prowarenss Agile Academy biedt een breed scala trainingen: van operationeel tot en met strategisch, in zowel een business en IT context.  

Wij zijn specialist in classroom trainingen (virtueel en fysiek), e-learnings, competentie assessments, persoonlijk opleidingsadvies en L&D consultancy op het gebied van Agile, Lean, DevOps, Scrum, Kanban, Lean Startup, Scaling, SAFe, LeSS, Agile & Servant leadership, Agile HR, Agile L&D en Digital Transformations.

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