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9 E-Learning Cloud Computing Schulungen

Verwandte Themen: Software-Architektur, Software- / Systemingenieurwesen, Software Entwicklung, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Logic Pro und Cisco Cloud.

Verwandte Themen: Software-Architektur, Software- / Systemingenieurwesen und Software Entwicklung.


Digitale Transformation: Agilität, Blockchain, KI, IoT, Cloud-Computing und Cyber-Security im Unternehmen

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Im Fernkurs Digitale Transformation im Unternehmen bekommst Du einen Einblick in alle relevanten Aspekte der digitalen Transformation und D…


Cloud Computing Project

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About this course: Note: You should complete all the other courses in this Specialization before beginning this course. This six-week long …


Big Data, Cloud Computing, & CDN Emerging Technologies

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About this course: You have most likely heard about Clouds and Big Data before, and already know how significantly important they are and w…


Cloud Computing Applications, Part 1: Cloud Systems and Infrastructure

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About this course: Welcome to the Cloud Computing Applications course, the first part of a two-course series designed to give you a compreh…


Cloud Computing Applications, Part 2: Big Data and Applications in the Cloud

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About this course: Welcome to the Cloud Computing Applications course, the second part of a two-course series designed to give you a compre…


IaaS Cloud Computing With OpenStack MasterClass - Part 1

Logo von Stone River eLearning LLC

OpenStack began in 2010 as a joint project of RackSpace Hosting and NASA. More than 500 companies have joined the project since. OpenStack …


IaaS Cloud Computing With OpenStack MasterClass - Part 2

Logo von Stone River eLearning LLC

OpenStack began in 2010 as a joint project of RackSpace Hosting and NASA. More than 500 companies have joined the project since. OpenStack …


Cloud Computing Concepts: Part 2

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About this course: Cloud computing systems today, whether open-source or used inside companies, are built using a common set of core techni…


Cloud Computing Concepts, Part 1

Logo von Coursera (CC)

About this course: Cloud computing systems today, whether open-source or used inside companies, are built using a common set of core techni…