Microsoft Azure solutions for AWS developers | AZ-020 | AZ020


Microsoft Azure solutions for AWS developers | AZ-020 | AZ020

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Microsoft Azure solutions for AWS developers | AZ-020

A three-day course designed to teach AWS (Amazon Web Services) developers how to prepare end-to-end solutions in Microsoft Azure. In this course you will construct Azure App Service Web App solutions and Azure Functions, use blob or Cosmos DB storage in solutions, implement secure cloud solutions that include user authentication and authorization, implement API management, and develop event- and message-based solutions, and monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize your Azure solutions. You will learn how developers use Azure services, with additional focus on features and tasks that differ from AWS, and what that means for you as you develop …

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Noch nicht den perfekten Kurs gefunden? Verwandte Themen: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Cloud Computing, Web Services und Power BI.

Microsoft Azure solutions for AWS developers | AZ-020

A three-day course designed to teach AWS (Amazon Web Services) developers how to prepare end-to-end solutions in Microsoft Azure. In this course you will construct Azure App Service Web App solutions and Azure Functions, use blob or Cosmos DB storage in solutions, implement secure cloud solutions that include user authentication and authorization, implement API management, and develop event- and message-based solutions, and monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize your Azure solutions. You will learn how developers use Azure services, with additional focus on features and tasks that differ from AWS, and what that means for you as you develop applications that will be hosted by using Azure services.

Voor wie

Students in this course are experienced AWS developers interested in Azure development.


Students should have 1-2 years professional development experience and experience with AWS. They must be able to program in an Azure Supported Language.

Voorbereiding op de volgende examens

– AZ-204 | Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure


– Module 1: Create Azure App Service Web Apps
– Module 2: Implement Azure functions
– Module 3: Develop solutions that use blob storage
– Module 4: Develop solutions that use Cosmos DB storage
– Module 5: Create and deploy Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates
– Module 6: Implement user authentication and authorization
– Module 7: Implement secure cloud solutions
– Module 8: Implement API Management
– Module 9: Develop event-based solutions
– Module 10: Develop message-based solutions
– Module 11: Monitor and optimize Azure solutions


Bij deze training behoort geen examen


3 dagen 

Meer informatie

Kijk op onze website voor gedetailleerde lesinhoud, examens en meer details van deze training.

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