Building Arduino robots and devices
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- Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
- Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.
About this course: For many years now, people have been improving their tools, studying the forces of nature and bringing them under control, using the energy of the nature to operate their machines. Last century is noted for the creation of machines which can operate other machines. Nowadays the creation of devices that interact with the physical world is available to anyone. Our course consists of a series of practical problems on making things that work independently: they make their own decisions, act, move, communicate with each other and people around, and control other devices. We will demonstrate how to assemble such devices and programme them using the Arduino platform as a bas…

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When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan .
- Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
- Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.
About this course: For many years now, people have been improving their tools, studying the forces of nature and bringing them under control, using the energy of the nature to operate their machines. Last century is noted for the creation of machines which can operate other machines. Nowadays the creation of devices that interact with the physical world is available to anyone. Our course consists of a series of practical problems on making things that work independently: they make their own decisions, act, move, communicate with each other and people around, and control other devices. We will demonstrate how to assemble such devices and programme them using the Arduino platform as a basis. After this course, you will be able to create devices that read the data about the external world with a variety of sensors, receive and forward this data to a PC, the Internet and mobile devices, and control indexing and the movement. The creation of such devices will involve design, the study of their components, the assemblage of circuit boards, coding and diagnostics. Along with the creation of the devices themselves, you will perform visualization on a PC, create a web page that will demonstrate one of your devices, and figure out how an FDM 3D-printer is configured and how it functions. Besides those keen on robotics or looking to broaden their horizons and develop their skills, the course will also be useful to anyone facing the task of home and industrial automation, as well as to anyone engaged in industrial design, advertising and art. The course does not require any special knowledge from the participants and is open even to students of upper secondary school. Programming skills and the level of English allowing to read technical documentation would be an advantage, but this is not obligatory. The entire course is dedicated to practice, so the best way for you would be to get hold of some electronics, follow the illustrated examples and experiment on your own. The kits can be purchased here: Taught by: Alexey Perepelkin, head of Robotics department in the Laboratory of innovative educational technologies at MIPT Taught by: Dmitry Savitsky, researcher in the Laboratory of innovative educational technologies at MIPT
Created by: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology-
Taught by: Алексей Перепелкин, Руководитель направления развития цифрового творчества
Центр инновационных образовательных технологий МФТИ -
Taught by: Дмитрий Савицкий, Научный сотрудник
Лаборатория инновационных образовательных технологий МФТИ
Each course is like an interactive textbook, featuring pre-recorded videos, quizzes and projects.
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Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Московский физико-технический институт (неофициально известный как МФТИ или Физтех) является одним из самых престижных в мире учебных и научно-исследовательских институтов. Он готовит высококвалифицированных специалистов в области теоретической и прикладной физики, прикладной математики, информатики, биотехнологии и смежных дисциплин. Физтех был основан в 1951 году Нобелевской премии лауреатами Петром Капицей, Николаем Семеновым, Львом Ландау и Сергеем Христиановичем. Основой образования в МФТИ является уникальная «система Физтеха»: кропотливое воспитание и отбор самых талантливых абитуриентов, фундаментальное образование высшего класса и раннее вовлечение студентов в реальную научно-исследовательскую работу. Среди выпускников МФТИ есть Нобелевские лауреаты, основатели всемирно известных компаний, известные космонавты, изобретатели, инженеры.Syllabus
Week 1
Welcome to the course! During Week 1, we are going to introduce you to the course (go through the Introduction, that’s very important). Then we shall start our work: getting acquainted with Arduino, the development environment and our first components. You will learn how to assemble circuits on a breadboard and will write your first program and assemble your first device. Don’t forget about the DIY section, which is also very important
14 videos, 5 readings expand
- Video: Trailer
- Video: Introduction
- Reading: How to take the course
- Reading: How to practice
- Reading: Marks
- Video: 1.1 Overview of the week
- Video: 1.2 How to assemble a circuit on a breadboard circuit?
- Video: 1.3. How to communicate the knowledge about the assembled circuit?
- Video: 1.4. Measurement of electrical properties
- Video: 1.5. Automotise it
- Video: 1.6. Let’s get acquainted with Arduino
- Video: 1.7. Development tools for Arduino IDE
- Video: 1.8 ;-)
- Video: 1.9. Translators’ collaborative work
- Video: 1.10. First glance at a program
- Video: 1.11. First coded material
- Video: 1.12. Macrodefinitions, variables, counting loops
- Reading: DIY
- Reading: External links
Graded: Test №1
Week 2
It’s time to learn how to receive data with the help of sensors. During Week 2, we will teach you how to read off digital and analog signals, exchange data with a computer, create more complex algorithms, and use new output devices.
15 videos, 2 readings expand
- Video: 2.1. Week overview
- Video: 2.2. First sensor
- Video: 2.3. Voltage divider
- Video: 2.4. How to read off analog signals
- Video: 2.5. Exchanging data through a serial port
- Video: 2.6. About a signal
- Video: 2.7. Reading off digital signals
- Video: 2.8. Boolean expressions and program branching
- Video: 2.9. New display devices: buzzer and bar graph
- Video: 2.10. Seven-segment display
- Video: 2.11. Microchips
- Video: 2.12. Output shift register
- Video: 2.13. Debugging
- Video: 2.14. Usage of modules
- Video: 2.15. Monitoring system
- Reading: DIY
- Reading: External links
Graded: Test №2
Week 3
During Week 3, you will learn to explore the world around you with the help of a distance sensor, and visualize data on a computer. You are also going improve your programming skills by creating a device with moving components.
14 videos, 2 readings expand
- Video: 3.1. Week review
- Video: 3.2. IR distance sensor
- Video: 3.3. Analog signal recording
- Video: 3.4. Fighting the noise
- Video: 3.5. Arrays
- Video: 3.6. Declaring a function
- Video: 3.7. While loop
- Video: 3.8. Servo and the library
- Video: 3.9. Measuring distance with ultrasound
- Video: 3.10. Four symbols through one wire
- Video: 3.11. What to look for and where
- Video: 3.12. Processing and mapping
- Video: 3.13. Arduino ->; I2C -> Multiservo -> 18 servo
- Video: 3.14. All-seeing Eye
- Reading: DIY
- Reading: External links
Graded: Test №3
Week 4
After going through Week 4, you will be able to connect your device to a network, plan its creation beforehand , control heavy loads, and power your device correctly.
15 videos, 2 readings expand
- Video: 4.1. Week overview
- Video: 4.2. Submersible pump
- Video: 4.3. Field transistor and relay
- Video: 4.4. Power supply
- Video: 4.5. Planning
- Video: 4.6. Think first
- Video: 4.7. Soil humidity sensor
- Video: 4.8. Where do web pages come from
- Video: 4.9. How to transmit data to a network
- Video: 4.10. How to receive a command from a network
- Video: 4.11. Finite-state automaton
- Video: 4.12. WaterMe program basics and switch
- Video: 4.13. Errors that we often encounter
- Video: 4.14. The longest sketch so far
- Video: 4.15. How WaterMe works
- Reading: DIY
- Peer Review: Practice task 1 (facultative)
- Reading: External links
Graded: Test №4
Week 5.
Let’s turn one wheel and then two wheels at once, and the robot car will start moving. It’ll be moving along the line or under your control. It could as well be just messing with your hand with which you are trying to control it.
22 videos, 2 readings expand
- Video: 5.1. Week overview
- Video: 5.2. Starting the commutator motor
- Video: 5.3. Motor driver
- Video: 5.4. Motor control expansion board
- Video: 5.5. Robot car
- Video: 5.6. Hitch
- Video: 5.7. Relay algorithm
- Video: 5.8. Analog line sensor
- Video: 5.9. Running the relay algorithm
- Video: 5.10. Regulator
- Video: 5.11. Denoting coefficients for a proportional regulator
- Video: 5.12. Cube error and alternative regulator
- Video: 5.13. Diagnostics
- Video: 5.14. Conditional compilation
- Video: 5.15. Connecting through Bluetooth
- Video: 5.16. SoftwareSerial
- Video: 5.17. Joystick app and testing
- Video: 5.18. Remote control
- Video: 5.19. RemoteXY
- Video: 5.20. Counting the turns of the wheels
- Video: 5.21. External interrupts
- Video: 5.22. Having counted the turns of the wheels
- Reading: Practice
- Peer Review: Practice task 2 (facultative)
- Reading: Links and resources
Graded: Test 5
Week 6
Having learnt to create a step motor, you can create devices which can perform very precise actions. For example, a 3D printer, which we will study in detail and then use to print some components.
6 videos, 2 readings expand
- Video: 6.1. Week overview
- Video: 6.2. Step motor
- Video: 6.3. The structure of a 3D printer and its functions
- Video: 6.4. 3D model of a part
- Video: 6.5. Getting parts from models
- Video: Final video
- Reading: Practice
- Peer Review: Combinations
- Reading: Links and resources
Graded: Quiz: Final test
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